The film follows the story of Mary Lou Maloney, a mischievous and ambitious high school student who dies during her prom in 1957 after being crowned queen. Thirty years later, her spirit comes back to haunt the school and seek revenge on those who wronged her. She uses her supernatural powers to manipulate the minds of her victims and cause havoc and chaos.
The movie managed to build a new story around the original Prom Night movie and brought something new to the slasher-horror genre. The special effects used in the film are impressive, considering the budget constraints and the limitations of the technology available at that time. The movie successfully created an eerie and chilling atmosphere that kept the viewers hooked.
The characters in the film are well developed, and the actors did an excellent job in bringing them to life. Michael Ironside, in particular, gave a standout performance as the ruthless and evil high school principal.
Overall, PS2 is a must-watch for horror movie enthusiasts. The film offers a unique take on the slasher-horror genre and has its own identity that sets it apart from other similar films. The movie is creepy, suspenseful, and offers some genuinely scary moments, making it a great addition to any horror movie collection.
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